

Whatever their sexual orientation is, I salute people coming out of their shells and putting themselve out there, in the face of obstacles.

3 件のコメント:

Mika さんのコメント...

Do you know San Francisco and Toronto (Canada) admit same sex marriage? Even around in 1990, I heard that there were lots of gay couples in San Francisco. Toronto allowed same sex marriage from few years ago.

Do you know PACS? PACS stands for Pacte Civil de Solidarite! It’s a French law!!! The civil solidarity pact is a contract binding two adults of different sexes or of the same sex, in order to organize their common life. Also the law support couples who live together but not being married. This law was established in November 15th, 1999 and sure that this law made lots of people to enjoy their life-style.
I think France is unique country because they allow and support same sex marriage, cohabitation couples, single parent, etc. In Japan, I never see or heard about gay or lesbian marriage. Maybe Japanese see them as a strange and odd people. I think it's bad to treat them unfairly so I think it’s good to have the law like PACS in Japan too.

miho さんのコメント...

I personally don't really mind people who are gay or lesbian. Why is it so bad??
Maybe the environment also affects this because I went to an all girls school in Guam, and everyone was so open about it!!! Most of them admitted that they were lesbians. I was really surprised in the beginning, but I decided to respect them because they aren't afraid to say it out loud.
I haven't really heard people like this in Japan, and I want to know why. Is it because those people are shy??
I agree to you when you say that you respect those people who come out of their shells to say that they are either gay/lesbian.

jodias さんのコメント...

Did you hear the news today that there will be an official Minshuto openly gay candidate running in the upcoming election? It will be the first time an openly gay candidate has been given the backing of a major political party in Japan. I don't know what sorts of policies or agenda she'll have as a law maker, but she is sure to shake things up a bit even if she loses the election. As LDP candidates tend to put their feet in their mouth, I can already imagine the sorts of tactless comments that might be made in the run-up to the election.