
Prejudice towards homosexuality

When you hear the phrase homosexual, what kind of impression do you get? Is it positive, or negative? Unfortunately majority of people will come up with negative images such as sick, unnatural and immoral, and not many people would come up with a positive image. This is because of the inaccurate stereotypes and the lack of information provided by the society.

Our society often portrays the majority as the norm and the minority as abnormal, and we tend to attempt to eliminate what is abnormal, in this case, the homosexuals. In my opinion, banning gay marriage is attempt made by the society to eliminate gays and lesbians. However, I think this is a complete nonsense because homosexual behavior will never be completely eliminated.

Homosexuality exists since the time bible was written. (This is proven because the bible forbids homosexuality) This means that homosexual behavior was observed 2000+ years ago. And it is highly unlikely for a behavior that has existed for 2000+ years to suddenly disappear. Also, if a behavior with a history of 2000+ years is not considered natural, I'm not sure what would be considered natural.

So why attempt to eliminate homosexuality? Love, I believe is the strongest of all human emotion and in my opinion no one should have the right to tell anyone who they can or can not love. It may be impossible to take away the prejudice towards gays and lesbians, but in my opinion this world will be a lot better place if homosexuality could be acknowledged as a natural human behavior.

1 件のコメント:

Chiaki さんのコメント...

Whenever I see your blog, I recognize that I have a little prejudice against homosexual. However, I know that like this image is absolutely incorrect and also makes the world unfair. I feel keenly that I have to abandon my mistaken image.
I didn't know that homosexuality had been eliminated from so old times. Since bible was powerful enough to put fixed ideas into people's mind, I think many people began to have negative image against homosexuality.
However, as you said, no one should be deprived of his (or her) right to love someone whether he (or she) is heterosexual or homosexual.
I believe that your contribution toward this controversial issue will work effectively to make better place to live for everyone because you have already changed my image little by little.