
Children of Homosexual Parents

According to Charlotte J. Patterson, courts' concerns about the influence which kids get from their gay parents are on three dimensions: their sexual identity, mental health, and social environment. (Patterson, Charlotte. "Children of Lesbian&Gay Parents." public interest . 2007)

First, It is feared that growth of sexual identity will be distorted or damaged among children of homosexual parents. Which is, being brought up by gay/lesbian parents, children have a struggle in forming "gender identity" and acknowledging "gender role."
It is also considered that children who have gay/lesbian parents are likely to be gay/lesbian as well.

Second, courts worry children with gay or lesbian parents will be much vulnerable, find complication in adjustment in social life, thus possess poor mental condition. This is more of their personal progress in life than gender identity.

Third is a conventional issue. Courts simply express their concern with the hostilities or difficulties children of gay/lesbian parents will encounter in society.
You can easily imagine that children who have homosexual parents will be ridiculed, persecuted, or even sympathized by fellows.

On homosexual parents' influence on children's gender identity, I don't think it is a bad effect; for they can have open-minded attitude toward sexual orientation.
The fact children of gay/lesbian parents are much more likely to be vulnerable, probably have a lot to do with the third issue(social struggle). However, this is mostly the society's, which means our fault....

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