
Belgian babies are all the rage for French lesbian couples

According to Gay Japan.com, there is a growing number of French lesbian couples to achieve "artificial insemination" (artificial pregnancy with donor sperm) in Belgium, the neighbour of France.

This is because the act between homosexual couples is forbidden in their country. For the arrival of lesbian couples, Belgium now has a "little baby boom".

Natalie Bassak , who has given a birth to three children through the method, says "There are no prejudice towards homosexual couples in Belgium. They rather welcomed us."

However, this trend is currently so "in" that the reservation for artificial pregnancy has a "wait list."

It might be the time for France to deal with the problem by their own.


Breast milk

It is said breastfeeding promote the psychological attachment between mother and child trough physical attachiment.

Having food cannot be as beautiful as this!
One of my favorite video :-)

Adopting Mother Buying a Bresat Pump

According to Globe and Mail in May 22 / 2007, Natasha Baird, the 32-year-old adoption mother -to-be has been able to breastfeed her baby through the helps of lactation drugs and supplementers.

Breastfeeding is so big in child care/medical authorities now. Breastfeeding is fixed in almost everyone's mind as CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT.
With more lesbian or even reproductively-challenged mothers, eyes on induced breastfeeding is growing.

However, this is of course no easy work. "Getting the milk to flow remains a demanding process for mothers who haven't given birth. In addition to the hormones and the domperidone, mothers-to-be must pump around the clock - all the while knowing that the adoption could fall through. Adoptive mothers who want to breastfeed say they often face resistance from many of the players involved in the adoption process, including doctors, social workers, foster families and even the birth mother."

Ms. Baird, who is in the process of adopting her baby almost 2 years old , says her hard work is worthy. "I couldn't get pregnant but I could breastfeed," she says. "My body was finally doing what it was supposed to do."


family guy -- nursing as a father/mother

Generally, we believe parenthood fanction with a father and mother. And they have respective role to play.
Do you think you can be a good mother figure as well as father figure?
But don't feed your breasts if you cannot do milking... lol

Children of Homosexual Parents

According to Charlotte J. Patterson, courts' concerns about the influence which kids get from their gay parents are on three dimensions: their sexual identity, mental health, and social environment. (Patterson, Charlotte. "Children of Lesbian&Gay Parents." public interest . 2007)

First, It is feared that growth of sexual identity will be distorted or damaged among children of homosexual parents. Which is, being brought up by gay/lesbian parents, children have a struggle in forming "gender identity" and acknowledging "gender role."
It is also considered that children who have gay/lesbian parents are likely to be gay/lesbian as well.

Second, courts worry children with gay or lesbian parents will be much vulnerable, find complication in adjustment in social life, thus possess poor mental condition. This is more of their personal progress in life than gender identity.

Third is a conventional issue. Courts simply express their concern with the hostilities or difficulties children of gay/lesbian parents will encounter in society.
You can easily imagine that children who have homosexual parents will be ridiculed, persecuted, or even sympathized by fellows.

On homosexual parents' influence on children's gender identity, I don't think it is a bad effect; for they can have open-minded attitude toward sexual orientation.
The fact children of gay/lesbian parents are much more likely to be vulnerable, probably have a lot to do with the third issue(social struggle). However, this is mostly the society's, which means our fault....

Gay adoption

Currently it’s illegal in many places around the world for a homosexual couple to adopt a child. This is a difficult issue because unlike gay marriage that only affects homosexuals; gay adoption affects children who have nothing to do with this controversial issue.

Firstly, I believe that the quality of parenting is measured by the ability of parents to love their child, and has absolutely nothing to do with their sexual orientation. Also The American Psychological Association suggests that
"not a single study has found children of gay or lesbian parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents," and concluded that "home environments provided by gay and lesbian parents are as likely as those provided by heterosexual parents to support and enable children's psychosocial growth."

Secondly, gay people have to adopt a child to have a son or a daughter. So it is unfair for them to ban gay adoption, because this will eliminate their chance of having a child who they can love. Also it is certainly unfair for the children who are waiting to get adopted.

However I can’t readily agree with the legalization of gay adoption because of the prejudice toward the homosexuals.

Because of this prejudice, a child who is adopted by a homosexual couple has a high possibility of getting ridiculed, bullied or even becoming completely excluded from their peers. This is a pain that is unnecessary for anyone to suffer.
To avoid children suffering from an issue that they are completely unrelated with, I believe that it is important to reduce the prejudice towards homosexuals before the legalization of gay adoption.

Work cited;

"American Civil Liberties Union : Overview of Lesbian and Gay Parenting, Adoption and Foster Care." 04 June 1999. American Civil Liberties Union. 3 Jul 2007 .


From "Better World Advertising"

This is one of ads from "Better World Advertising"

This ad's abrupt honesty hits my center.

So I thought

I'd like to share...

FYI, it's from New York State Black Gay Network, which is targeting African American public for better understanding toward homosexuality.

Website here http://www.wearepartofyou.org/


France: AIDS public service ann.

We've talked a loooooot about HIV/AID and gay!
As I'm shifting the topic, I want to post the last HIV campaign video from French.
This is animation!
Though containing some inappropriate scenes(having overpassionate sex), the French videomakers made them real funny! Hoorey for French!

Thanks for reading and learning the HIV issue in gay community so far.
I'll keep your eyes on other issues too!

HIV is a gay disease???

This shocking ad is not from devoted Christians or extreme homophobes.
Actually, this is sponsored by A Gay and Lesbian Community Center.
Of course, as their position tells, they don't intend to torture gay people. Instead, they expect the ad would lead to more acknowledgement and responsibility to own and end the epidemic in gay community.
This tactics is causing a controversy among gay communities. Even though I was intrigued by the self-attacking encouragement, I also question this ad campaign.
If I hear "AID is a women's disease, " I would definitely say respond "What the heck are you talking about!? It's everybody's disease!"
I mentioned the high percentage of infection through annul sex, and even bug chasing trend, though most HIV cases are still from heterosexual intercourse.
This ad may bring about the wrong message in our society.
No one should label themselves.