
Questions about bisexuality

What do you think?

Q1) Is bisexuality greedy or open-minded?

Q2) How do you define bisexuality?
4example: You've had a very intense kiss with a boy/girl in your whole heterosexual life. What would that make you? or You are a guy who find Johnny Depp reeeealy attractive. Is there a possibility to explore?

3) It's been said that you cannot chose your sexuality. Can you chose to be bisexual or not to be?

Thing about human beings are so complicated!!!


Today I confronted 10 line essay on the final exam.

I took a final exam in Reading class. On the test, there was a 'at least 10 lines' short essay writing whose title was "Do you think gay couples should also be able to get married? Why or why not?"

Here is what I wrote

I think gay couples should also be able to get married, for I believe marriage is an official form of love and dedication. When you make a vow of "till death do us part," you are convinced that your partner is the one whom you love deeply and want to stay with forever and ever. This feeling can be shared by everyone, no matter what their sexual orientations are. Since there are dozens of barren(reproductibly challenged) heterosexual couples, it is unjust to deny homosexual marriage because of the lack of procreation. Gay couples deserve the same right as heterosexual couples.


I know my view on marriage may sound a little sugar-coated to someone... but that how I put from my heart. At first, I wondered which position to take, though I couldn't find any decent enough con opinions to write down.