Belgian babies are all the rage for French lesbian couples

Breast milk
It is said breastfeeding promote the psychological attachment between mother and child trough physical attachiment.
Having food cannot be as beautiful as this!
One of my favorite video :-)
Adopting Mother Buying a Bresat Pump

family guy -- nursing as a father/mother
Generally, we believe parenthood fanction with a father and mother. And they have respective role to play.
Do you think you can be a good mother figure as well as father figure?
But don't feed your breasts if you cannot do milking... lol
Children of Homosexual Parents

Gay adoption

Currently it’s illegal in many places around the world for a homosexual couple to adopt a child. This is a difficult issue because unlike gay marriage that only affects homosexuals; gay adoption affects children who have nothing to do with this controversial issue.
Because of this prejudice, a child who is adopted by a homosexual couple has a high possibility of getting ridiculed, bullied or even becoming completely excluded from their peers. This is a pain that is unnecessary for anyone to suffer.
"American Civil Liberties Union : Overview of Lesbian and Gay Parenting, Adoption and Foster Care." 04 June 1999. American Civil Liberties Union. 3 Jul 2007
From "Better World Advertising"

FYI, it's from New York State Black Gay Network, which is targeting African American public for better understanding toward homosexuality.
Website here http://www.wearepartofyou.org/
France: AIDS public service ann.
We've talked a loooooot about HIV/AID and gay!
As I'm shifting the topic, I want to post the last HIV campaign video from French.
This is animation!
Though containing some inappropriate scenes(having overpassionate sex), the French videomakers made them real funny! Hoorey for French!
Thanks for reading and learning the HIV issue in gay community so far.
I'll keep your eyes on other issues too!
HIV is a gay disease???