I wish there were any way to trivialize shock or pain...
O, here it is.
Loosen your muscle by laughing. For we have talked a lot about unlaughable matters so far!
AIDS Song from "Family Guy"
Hitzel -- Bug Chasing Victim
Hitzel spoiled himself in addiction to sex and drug. Now he is HIV+.
"When his relationship broke up, Hitzel was at the lowest point in his life, and alone. He sought relief in drugs and sex, as much of each as he could get. At first, he started out just not caring whether he got HIV or not, then he found the bug-chasing underground and embraced it."
"He now wakes up each day with a terrible frustration, ・・・ He hates the medication he has to take every day, and he realizes that HIV affects nearly every part of his life."
Whenever he looks himself through the mirror, he asks himself , "You did this. Are you happy now? That's the one line that goes through my head."
HIV won't shed a light on your life. No matter how much you loath your days, HIV will only worsen the situation. Don't ask for help in virus.
Source retrieved from http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5939950/bug_chasers
"When his relationship broke up, Hitzel was at the lowest point in his life, and alone. He sought relief in drugs and sex, as much of each as he could get. At first, he started out just not caring whether he got HIV or not, then he found the bug-chasing underground and embraced it."
"He now wakes up each day with a terrible frustration, ・・・ He hates the medication he has to take every day, and he realizes that HIV affects nearly every part of his life."
Whenever he looks himself through the mirror, he asks himself , "You did this. Are you happy now? That's the one line that goes through my head."
HIV won't shed a light on your life. No matter how much you loath your days, HIV will only worsen the situation. Don't ask for help in virus.
Source retrieved from http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5939950/bug_chasers
Carlos -- Bag Chasing Activist
Here is the introduction of Greagory A.Freeman's interview with Carslos, who desperately wants to be HIV positive.
"Carlos takes a moment to slurp on his grande Caffe Mocha in a crowded Starbucks, and then he gets back to to explaining how much he wants HIV. ・・・His eyes light up as he says that the actual moment of transmission will be "the most erotic thing I can imagine." He seems like a typical thirty-two-year-old man, but, in fact, he has a secret life. Carlos is chasing the bug."
Having unprotected sex with a HIV+ man is what people think "crazy" and "wrong," and that makes Carlos want to try the act more.
He goes on saying "This is something no one knows about me. It's my dirty little secret.," and "It's like screwing your boyfriend in your parents' room. You're not supposed to do it, and that's exactly what makes it so much fun!"
When you do risky, thrilling thing, like he said, having sex in parents' room, are you ready to get caught? I doubt it. Such behavior is so third grade!!
Source retrieved from http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5939950/bug_chasers
"Carlos takes a moment to slurp on his grande Caffe Mocha in a crowded Starbucks, and then he gets back to to explaining how much he wants HIV. ・・・His eyes light up as he says that the actual moment of transmission will be "the most erotic thing I can imagine." He seems like a typical thirty-two-year-old man, but, in fact, he has a secret life. Carlos is chasing the bug."
Having unprotected sex with a HIV+ man is what people think "crazy" and "wrong," and that makes Carlos want to try the act more.
He goes on saying "This is something no one knows about me. It's my dirty little secret.," and "It's like screwing your boyfriend in your parents' room. You're not supposed to do it, and that's exactly what makes it so much fun!"
When you do risky, thrilling thing, like he said, having sex in parents' room, are you ready to get caught? I doubt it. Such behavior is so third grade!!
Source retrieved from http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5939950/bug_chasers
How Bug Chasing is Florishing

Most gay people surf Internet occasionally, for it is harder for them to find their community or mates.
So just like other fetishes, bug chasing or bare backing, their term for unprotected sex (without condom = bare), can be found online.
There are sites like "barebacking.com(age restriction:18)", or"bugchaser.com"
They use user names showing their desire: Knockmeup, BugMeSoon, and ConvertMeSir.
Their posts are saying such as "I really want to be converted! Breed/Seed me soon!!"
The editor of Rolling Stone magazine states that bug chasing "could not exist without the Internet, or at least it couldn't thrive."
Truly ironic, for we share our thoughts and informative resources on PC/laptop, right here right now.
The Gift???
☆Read the previous blog "bug chaser" before you watch this☆
I thought actual seeing and hearing helps you know IT IS REALLY HAPPENING.
Is it the gift???
Bug Chaser

In their words, a gay man who long to be HIV positive is "bug chaser," and a gay man who possesses the AID virus is "gift givers."
★Check out the more detailed definition in http://gaylife.about.com/cs/gay101/a/bugparties.htm
I assume you all scream in your head "What wrong with them!?"
Of course the number is small, though spreading and infecting, literally and figuratively.
There are 3 major factors to make HIV catchy for gay: the excitement of breaking the most forbidden,the desire for a cohesively bonded community, and the release from anxiety about getting infected.
First of all, deliberately sharing HIV is not to mention
the ultimate taboo.
This fact is appealing for some who have tried most sexual plays.
Infecting HIV with themselves are of utmost extreme in sex.
Secondly, even HIV+ community is something to embrace for lost and lonely minorities.
Sharing the same torture, they also share the solid tie which they can with anybody else.
HIV+ circle provides some with emotional home to come by.
Finally, It occurs to their mind ;"Once you get it, you don't have to worry about getting anymore. You're free."
They dream of the moment to take off their "safe-sex" cuffs.
In the next blog entry, I'd like to introduce how bug chasing is finding "the members".
Thanks for reading so far!
Prejudice towards homosexuality

When you hear the phrase homosexual, what kind of impression do you get? Is it positive, or negative? Unfortunately majority of people will come up with negative images such as sick, unnatural and immoral, and not many people would come up with a positive image. This is because of the inaccurate stereotypes and the lack of information provided by the society.
Our society often portrays the majority as the norm and the minority as abnormal, and we tend to attempt to eliminate what is abnormal, in this case, the homosexuals. In my opinion, banning gay marriage is attempt made by the society to eliminate gays and lesbians. However, I think this is a complete nonsense because homosexual behavior will never be completely eliminated.
Homosexuality exists since the time bible was written. (This is proven because the bible forbids homosexuality) This means that homosexual behavior was observed 2000+ years ago. And it is highly unlikely for a behavior that has existed for 2000+ years to suddenly disappear. Also, if a behavior with a history of 2000+ years is not considered natural, I'm not sure what would be considered natural.
So why attempt to eliminate homosexuality? Love, I believe is the strongest of all human emotion and in my opinion no one should have the right to tell anyone who they can or can not love. It may be impossible to take away the prejudice towards gays and lesbians, but in my opinion this world will be a lot better place if homosexuality could be acknowledged as a natural human behavior.
Our society often portrays the majority as the norm and the minority as abnormal, and we tend to attempt to eliminate what is abnormal, in this case, the homosexuals. In my opinion, banning gay marriage is attempt made by the society to eliminate gays and lesbians. However, I think this is a complete nonsense because homosexual behavior will never be completely eliminated.
Homosexuality exists since the time bible was written. (This is proven because the bible forbids homosexuality) This means that homosexual behavior was observed 2000+ years ago. And it is highly unlikely for a behavior that has existed for 2000+ years to suddenly disappear. Also, if a behavior with a history of 2000+ years is not considered natural, I'm not sure what would be considered natural.
So why attempt to eliminate homosexuality? Love, I believe is the strongest of all human emotion and in my opinion no one should have the right to tell anyone who they can or can not love. It may be impossible to take away the prejudice towards gays and lesbians, but in my opinion this world will be a lot better place if homosexuality could be acknowledged as a natural human behavior.
Accused of spreading HIV ”intentionally”

In Melbourne, Australia, 48 years old man was accused of "deliverately infecting HIV with his partners." Michael Neal is charged with 106cases, including rape and intentional HIV spreading.
The health department acknowledged his risky (sex)lifestyle, though never filled in the police.
The reason is, concerns on privacy protection was put higher position.
The Court's focus was where to draw the line of crime.
Neal has been denied bail until the his next appearance in court in September.
AIDS and Gay

The reason to back up the intense HIV proficiency in gay community is that they have anal sex.
Because the strenghth of anus mocosa is one-tenth of that of vagina, anus is even more vulnable.
Beside, blood vessels are concentrated in anus, encouraging virus coming into vessels.
To prevent the transmission, the use of condoms is crucially important, just like heterosexuals.
The Seed of "Homophobia"

I've seen tolerate, open-minded comment about homosexuality from you. Some even said "What's wrong with that?"
So today, I'd like to talk about "homophobia," the hatred toward homosexuals.
What is rooted in homophobia may help us explore why homosexuality is placed in such an accused position, and deepen knowledge and understanding.
The biggest trigger was AIDS/HIV. It was 1981 when one unprecedented and unknown disease was reported to be pervasive among homosexual people in the US.
Soon where/who started the infection was investigated.
The developer was a handsome purser working for an international airline company; He brought the souvenir from Africa in 1980, to NY, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and even Toronto in Canada. As you know, he was, gay.
Since 1981, the society has labeled homosexuality with AID.
Futhermore, some championed that gay patients deserved it for pursuing their hedoistic sexuality. Religious people considered the disease had to be a punishment from God.
Even though HIV was discovered to be popular also among drug-users and hemophiliacs in 1982, the medical descovery was too late to turn back the solid homophobia.
Simpsons!! The Highlights of Gay Episode
Got a little overstuffed by controversial issues?
Then take a break, friend!
You don't have to feel opressed by anything, even the provincial society!
It's still showing a concern about this topic ;-)
Kanako Otsuji - the first lesbian candidate

She has been a member of Osaka prefecture assembly as a woman, but now she is running for the big election as a lesbian. The poll will be held in September, however, she has already made a huge impression through an "unofficial" wedding with her partner.
The focus of her policy making is , of course, to form
a supportive society for the minority (meaning mostly homosexuals in Japan).
Furthermore, she addresses
"Everyone should introduce themselves just the way they are."
I'm worried that she will probably be only the center of curiosity, not political expectation.
For the care for homosexuals are so behind here in Japan.
(I will probably talk about that in another post)
Yet her blinding energy is definitely something to lift citizens up!!
I'm a girl who is trying to come out of her shell, though feeling nervous to see what is inside of the shell. Perhaps every single one of us is worried if they can accept the "whole" themselves.
However as I see her on TV or magazines, I become solidly confident to say
There is no need to be afraid of 100% you.
That's my saying!
"Gaymer" Survey

Thanks for your participation in our survey!
If not yet, pretty please☆ → http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=CBWhuyh0Vb15fCAYqxHvrA_3d_3d
Regarding the activity, I found "Gaymer Survey" held in the summer of 2006 by Jason Rockwood. It was supervised by the professor of the University of Illinois Department of Speech Communication. You can see the whole results at www.jasonrockwood.com/results.html
This is even made by SurveyMonkey! Yet 80 questions are too many to answer X-(
This survey aims to explore the gamers' sexual attitude or orientation while playing games.
To name a few of the questionnaires, they are from "What is your favorite gaming device?" to "Where would you place yourself, feminine or masculine?" or "Have you ever sexually attracted to a video game character?" Wow!
For your curiosity, I'd like to share some of the answers♪
[Have you ever been romantivally or sexually attracted to a video game character?]
Yes 34.4% No 37% maybe/Perhaps 25.5% Not sure 3.2%
[Many RPG games provide you the option to select either a male or female avator. How often do you play an avator with a gender different from your own? ]
Never 30.7% Occasionally 46.8% Frequently 14.5% Always 3.3% Other 4.6%
[How frequently do you encounter expressions of homophobia in online games?]
Always 10.6% Frequently 31.4% Sometimes 32.5% Rarely 16.4% Never 9.1%
Whatever their sexual orientation is, I salute people coming out of their shells and putting themselve out there, in the face of obstacles.
What my Lesbian Friend is Saying・・・

Her girlfriend, 20, has been straight.
So she feels greatly responsible, saying
"If we broke up, it would be real difficult for her to restart as straight."
The reason is because "she cannot expect what we have from men."
Sharing love and affection with a woman, you can get the emotional tie you ever dreamed of.
Your partner is able to understand you, and be sensitive to your feelings.
You'd experience a cohesive bond in the relationship.
Even sex could be great.
Of course she doesn't have "the tool," though she is far from CLUELESS about what you want.
In many dramas, we see couples saying "It's okay, we can talk about this" and going nowhere.
However in a woman-woman relationship, you may really talk about things.
My Friend's Observation
One of my friend's friend is lesbian, and I got to fetch her opinions about homosexuality and bisexuality.
She considers an environmental trigger is the major cause in most cases, for the body always tells you to adore the opposite sex.
According to her, a girl attracted to the female might have -
・hated her dad
・loved her mom
・been fond of beautiful things
・been used to women's community
They are just for instance.
She considers an environmental trigger is the major cause in most cases, for the body always tells you to adore the opposite sex.
According to her, a girl attracted to the female might have -
・hated her dad
・loved her mom
・been fond of beautiful things
・been used to women's community
They are just for instance.
Homosexuality ― born or made?

Finding out whether the biology or the environment forms homosexuality has been a question to be asked since always.
You may say sex orientation is innate, determined by the number of Xs and Ys.
You could also champion that social circumstance is the trigger or catalyst for sexual fettish.
Either way, we tend to confirm that homosexuality must be biologically or mentally "impaired."
You may say sex orientation is innate, determined by the number of Xs and Ys.
You could also champion that social circumstance is the trigger or catalyst for sexual fettish.
Either way, we tend to confirm that homosexuality must be biologically or mentally "impaired."
Hitting Words・・・

In 1999, The Quaker meeting called "Te Hahi Tuhauwiri" in New Zealand exposed their pro statement about queer sex orientation.
Some of the word hit my center! So I'd like to share them with you.
"Each individual's journey through life is unique. Some will make this journey alone, others in loving relationships - maybe in marriage or other forms of commitment. We need to ponder our own choices and try to understand the choices of others. Love has many shapes and colors and is not finite. It can not be measured or defined in terms of sexual orientation. "
(the Statement of Affirmation and Reconciliation by Te Hari Tuhauwiri)
Some of the word hit my center! So I'd like to share them with you.
"Each individual's journey through life is unique. Some will make this journey alone, others in loving relationships - maybe in marriage or other forms of commitment. We need to ponder our own choices and try to understand the choices of others. Love has many shapes and colors and is not finite. It can not be measured or defined in terms of sexual orientation. "
(the Statement of Affirmation and Reconciliation by Te Hari Tuhauwiri)
Uranism by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs

Before the term "homosexual" was coined by a doctor Karl Maria Benkert, the study of same-sex love was already explored by one lawyer.
In 1864, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs established "Uranism", which he described as the third sexuality derived from a female spirit trapped in a body of a man.
In his theory, there is a male spirit in each man's body, and a female spirit in each woman's body. What he calls Uranism is when this concept is denied; when one possesses a contradicting spirit-body bond.
Of course, some may disagree with his definition of homosexuality, for he claimed that gay people are all sissy or half-woman.
However,as he launched the idea that homosexuality is innate and congenital, he is considered the first Gay activist.
Wanna know more about him?
Go to http://www.gayhistory.com/rev2/events/ulrichs.htm
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